Property Overview

Properties are the physical locations that you want to record in Pinnacle. You can define a hierarchy for your properties, so that different levels within a property structure can be set up.

For example, if your organisation has many different sites, with multiple buildings at each site, you might define the first level of your property hierarchy as "Site", with the next level defined as "Building", then perhaps "Floor", "Room", "Workstation". Or if you only have one building, you might set up the top level as "Office", and then "Floor" underneath, and your property hierarchy would only have two levels. You can define up to seven levels for your property hierarchies.

You must define your level hierarchy before you can start adding any locations. Each location that you define must have a unique location identifier. To help you define locations and their place within the hierarchy, each location code is made up of the code of its parent location, plus the location separator, plus the location's code.

You can define what location separator you use. You may want to use full stops "." or back slashes "\" or hyphens "-". Pinnacle allows you to choose whatever location separator you would like. See the Property Defaults for more information on defining the location separator.

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Asset Module Defaults

Condition Assessments Details Tab

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Contract Locations Tab

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Job Request Details Tab

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Moving Assets

Work Order  Details Tab

Processing Stocktake Exceptions

Property Tree Browse Window

Template Details Tab