Duplicate Bids

When you have set up your Chart of Accounts, and you have added bids for your budget codes, Pinnacle gives you a quick method of adding bids for future years. For the most part, your bids will not normally differ greatly from year to year, so Pinnacle allows you to easily duplicate the bids from your current financial year to future years.

To duplicate your bids:

  1. Run the Budget Module

  2. Choose Duplicate Bids from the Ledger menu.

    Pinnacle will display the Duplicate Bids window.

  3. Choose the financial year that you want to duplicate the bids to. Pinnacle will default the financial year to the next financial year, but you can select another year if you wish.

  4. Choose the percentage that you want to increase the bid amounts by. If you don't want to change the bid amounts, leave the percentage amount blank.

  5. Choose whether you want to duplicate all bids, or only bids for budget codes that are flagged as Proposed budget codes.

  6. Click the OK button.

  7. Confirm that you want to duplicate the bids.

    Pinnacle will duplicate all the bids from the current financial year into the selected financial year, for the selected codes, and will adjust the bid amounts by the appropriate percentage.

Related Topics:

Approve Bids

Budget Code Allocations Tab

Budget Code Bids Tab

Related Tables:

Budget Years Table