Approve Bids

When you are satisfied with the bids that have been entered for your budget codes, you can approve the bids. This will take the bids for budget codes that have been flagged as proposed codes, and will turn them into allocations.

To approve your bids:

  1. Run the Budget Module.

  2. Choose Approve Bids from the Ledger menu


    Click the Approve toolbar button.

  3. If you want to approve the bids for the current financial year, click the Current Year button. If you want to approve the bids for the next financial year, click the Next Year button.

  4. Confirm that you want to approve the bids for the selected financial year.

    Pinnacle will copy the bids for the chosen financial year as allocations, for the budget codes that have been flagged as Proposed codes. When the allocations are added, Pinnacle will automatically distribute the allocation amount across all the periods in the chosen financial year. There may be some discrepancies between the allocation amount and the amounts distributed across the periods for the year (due to rounding) so you may need to review the period allocations from the Budget Code Monitor Tab.

Related Topics:

Budget Code Allocations Tab

Budget Code Bids Tab

Budget Code Monitor Tab

Duplicate Bids