Cancelling Assets

If an asset is added by mistake, or you no longer want to record the asset, you can choose to cancel it.

To bulk cancel assets:

  1. Run the Asset Module.

  2. Choose Bulk Actions>Cancel from the Asset menu.

    Pinnacle will display the Bulk Cancel window. The Bulk Cancel window displays a browse list of assets.

  3. Highlight the assets that you want to cancel. You can use the Filter button to narrow down the list of assets.

  4. Click the Cancel button.

  5. Confirm that you want to cancel the assets.

    Pinnacle will cancel the selected assets. Once the cancellation is complete, Pinnacle will return to the Bulk Cancel window.

To cancel a single asset:

  1. Run the Asset module.

  2. Choose Bulk Actions>Cancel from the Asset menu. Highlight the single asset that you wish to cancel.


    Open the asset that you want to cancel. Choose Bulk Actions>Cancel from the Asset menu. Pinnacle will open the Bulk Cancel window and will automatically highlight the asset that was open.


    Open the asset that you want to cancel. Choose Cancel from the Assets menu OR Choose Cancel from the popup menu. Pinnacle will open the Bulk Cancel window and will automatically highlight the asset that was open.

  3. Click the Cancel button.

  4. Confirm that you want to cancel the asset.

    Pinnacle will cancel the selected asset. Once the cancellation is complete, Pinnacle will return to the Bulk Cancel window.

Cancelling a Head Asset or Child Asset

When you are selecting assets for cancellation, you may select head or child assets. If one of the assets that you select is a head asset or a child asset, Pinnacle will ask you to choose what you would like to do with head and child assets.

For head assets you can:

For child assets you can:

Related Topics:

Filtering Browse Windows

Linking Assets