Lease Payments Tab

The Payments Tab displays any payments that have been recorded against the lease.  Landlord leases can have payments that are payments from the tenant, such as Rent, or payments that have been made by the landlord to an outside party, such as Rates or Body Corporate fees.

The different combinations of lease type and transaction type determine whether the payment is money coming in to the lease, or money going out from the lease.

The Payments tab is divided into two sections.  The top section of the tab is a summary list of all the payments that are recorded against the lease.  The bottom section is the full details of the payment that is highlighted in the browse section. The fields on the Payments tab are:

Payment Date - The date that the payment was received or made.

Payment Type - This is the type of the payment, such as Rent or Electricity.  You must select a type from the list of types that have been added to the Charge Types table.

Description - This is a description of the payment.

Transaction Type - This is the type of the payment. You must select from the list of transaction types available, and the transaction types will be different depending on whether the lease is a Landlord lease or a Tenant lease. Valid Transaction Types for a Landlord lease are: Payment from Tenant, Payment to Other, Refund from Other, Refund to Tenant.  Valid Transaction Types for a Tenant lease are: Payment to Landlord, Payment to Other, Refund from Landlord, Refund from Other.

Budget Code - This is the budget code from the ledger that you wish to post the payment amount to.

Payment Amount - This is the amount of the payment.

VAT Amount - This is the Value Added Tax amount to be added to the payment amount.  This is automatically calculated based on the VAT Rate specified in the Asset Module Default settings of the Administration Module, but you can change this amount if you wish.

Created - This is date and time that the payment was created.  This field is automatically updated by Pinnacle and cannot be edited.

Created By - This is the user ID of the user who created the payment.  This field is automatically updated by Pinnacle and cannot be edited.

Updated - This is the date and time that the payment was last modified. This field is automatically updated by Pinnacle and cannot be edited.

Updated By - This is the user ID of the user who last updated the payment. This field is automatically updated by Pinnacle and cannot be edited.

Related Topics:

Lease Details Tab

Lease Charge/Payment Templates Tab

General Ledger

Asset Module Financial Defaults

Related Tables:

Charge Types Table