Bulk Completion/Finalisation Window

The Bulk Completion/Finalisation window shows you a list of outstanding work orders, and you can choose to complete or finalise any number of these work orders.

The Bulk Completion/Finalisation window is divided into two sections. The top section is a browse list of the work orders ready for completion or finalisation. You can choose to filter the browse list of work orders. The bottom section shows the work order description for the work order that is currently selected in the browse list.

The work order browse list shows the following information:

The description details below the browse list shows the following information:

To bulk process work orders:

  1. Open the Bulk Completion/Finalisation window.

  2. Choose whether to Complete or Finalise any work orders that you wish to process.

    If you want to complete all work orders in the list, choose Select All Complete from the File menu. Pinnacle will check the Complete option for all work orders. If you want to de-select the Complete check box for all work orders in the list, choose Unselect All Complete from the File menu.

    If you want to finalise all work orders in the list, choose Select All Finalise from the File menu. Pinnacle will check the Finalise option for all work orders. If you want to de-select the Finalise check box for all work orders in the list, choose Unselect All Finalise from the File menu.

  3. Choose Process from the File menu


    Choose Process from the popup menu


    Click the Process button on the toolbar.

    Pinnacle will process the work orders and will either complete or finalise them depending on your selections.

To filter the browse list of work orders:

  1. Open the Bulk Completion/Finalisation window.

  2. Choose Filter from the File menu


    Choose Filter from the popup menu


    Click the Filter button on the toolbar.

  3. Pinnacle will display the filter window. Choose your filter parameters, and click the OK button.

    Pinnacle will filter the work orders based on your parameters.

Related Topics:

Work Order Overview