Stock Module Filter Examples

To list only stock items that belong to the category "Paper":

  1. Run the Stock Module.

  2. Open the Stock Module Stock Browse List.

  3. Select Filter from the File menu


    Click the Filter toolbar button.

  4. Select Category in the drop down list under Field.

  5. Select the equals (=) comparison operator.

  6. Select paper from the list of categories under Parameter.

  7. Click on the Set Filter button to set the filter and view the filtered list of stock items.

To list the purchase orders that were added by user "FRED" on or after 1/10/96:

  1. Run the Stock Module.

  2. Open the Stock Module Purchase Order Browse List.

  3. Select Filter from the File menu


    Click the Filter toolbar button.

  4. Select Added By in the drop down list under Field.

  5. Select the equals (=) comparison operator.

  6. Type "FRED" in the parameter field.

  7. Select the AND conjunction in the right hand column. A new row will appear in the window for the next part of the filter.

  8. Select Order Date in the second row under Field.

  9. Select the greater than or equals (>=) comparison operator in the second row.

  10. Type 1/10/96 in the parameter field.

  11. Click on the Set Filter button to set the filter and view the filtered list of purchase orders.