Lease Correspondence Tab

The Correspondence tab allows you to track correspondence for a lease.  This ensures that a history of the correspondence, both written and verbal, is being kept in the record for future reference.

The Correspondence tab is divided into two sections.  The top section of the tab is a summary list of all the correspondence items that have been added to the lease.  The bottom section is the full details of the correspondence that is highlighted in the browse section. The fields available on the Correspondence tab are:

Activity Date - This is the date and time stamp of the correspondence.  Pinnacle will automatically set this date and time when the correspondence is added, but you can edit this field if you wish.  You must enter an Activity Date.

Type - This is the type of correspondence.  You must select a type from the list of correspondence types added to the Correspondence Type table.

From - This is the name of the person or company where the correspondence originated.  You must enter some information in the From field.

To - This is the name of the person to whom the correspondence was addressed.

Comments - This field is used to record any comments you may wish to make about the correspondence.  This could be notes taken regarding a telephone conversation, or a summary of the contents of written correspondence.  You must enter comments about each correspondence item.

Created - This is date and time that the correspondence item was created.  This field is automatically updated by Pinnacle and cannot be edited.

Created By - This is the user ID of the user who created the correspondence item.  This field is automatically updated by Pinnacle and cannot be edited.

Updated - This is the date and time that the correspondence item was last modified. This field is automatically updated by Pinnacle and cannot be edited.

Updated By - This is the user ID of the user who last updated the correspondence item. This field is automatically updated by Pinnacle and cannot be edited.

Related Tables:

Correspondence Type