Lease Contacts Tab

The Lease Contacts tab displays a list of any relevant contacts for the lease.  When a lease is added, Pinnacle will automatically add the Lessee, Lessor and Payee to the Contacts tab.  You can then choose to add other Lease Entities, Staff and Non-suppliers, or Suppliers to the lease.

The Contacts tab is divided into two sections.  The top section of the tab is a summary list of all the contacts that have been added to the lease.  The bottom section is the full details of the contact that is highlighted in the browse section.  You cannot change any of the contact information for the contact, you can only modify the comments for the contact. The contact information on the tab is:

Contact Name - The name of the contact.

Contact Type - The type of contact.  Pinnacle will automatically display the contact type, either Lessee, Lessor, Payee if the contact is one of those three, Lease Entity if the contact has been added from the Lease Entities table, Staff/Non-staff/Contractor if the contact has been added from the Staff and Non-supplier table, or Supplier if the contact has been added from the Suppliers table.

Address - The address information for the contact.

Phone No - The telephone number for the contact.

Mobile No - The mobile phone number for the contact.

Fax No - The fax number for the contact.

Email - The email address for the contact.

Comments - You can use this field to record any comments you may wish to make about the contact.  This is the only editable field on this tab.

To add a contact:

  1. Choose New from the File menu


    Choose New from the popup menu.

  2. Pinnacle will display the Add Contact window.

  3. Choose from the Contact Type dropdown list at the top of the window whether you wish to add an Entity, a Supplier or a Staff Member.

  4. Pinnacle will display a list of the available contacts of the type you have selected.

  5. Highlight the contacts that you want to add to the Lease. You can use the Filter button to limit the selection to a given range.

  6. Click the OK button to add the contacts to the Lease.

To delete a contact:

  1. Highlight the contact that you wish to remove from the lease.

  2. Choose Delete from the File menu


    Choose Delete from the popup menu.

  3. Confirm that you want to remove the contact from the lease.

To open a contact:

  1. Highlight the contact that you want to open

  2. Choose Open from the File menu


    Choose Open from the popup menu.

  3. If the contact is a Lease Entity, Pinnacle will open the Lease Entity table and display the selected contact.  If the contact is a Staff or Non-supplier, Pinnacle will open the Staff and Non-suppliers table and display the selected contact.  If the contact is a Supplier, Pinnacle will open the Suppliers table and display the selected contact.

Related Topics:

Lease Details Tab

Related Tables:

Lease Entity Table

Staff and Non-suppliers Table

Suppliers Table