Lease Bond Tab

The Bond tab allows you to record monetary bonds for a lease.

The Bond tab is divided into two sections.  The top section of the tab is a summary list of all the bonds that have been added to the lease.  The bottom section is the full details of the bond that is highlighted in the browse section. The fields available on the Bond tab are:

Bond Type - This is the type of bond that you are recording, such as "Rental" or "Cleaning".  You must select a type from the list of bond types that have been added to the Bond Types table.

Bond Holder - This is the name of the organisation or financial institution that holds the bond monies.  You must enter a bond holder.

Deposit Date - This is the date that the bond was deposited with the bond holder.  You must enter a deposit date.

Finalised Date - This is the date that the bond was finalised, either by return or forfeiture of the bond.  The Finalised Date must be on or after the bond Deposit Date.

Bond Amount - This is the amount of the bond.  You must enter a bond amount.

Comments - This field is used to record any comments you may wish to make about the bond.

Related Tables:

Bond Types Table