Change Replacement Cost

When an asset is added, the selected asset class will remain the same for the asset throughout its life. However, there are some circumstances where you may need to change the class of an asset from a Fixed asset to an Equipment asset, or vice versa.

To bulk change the replacement cost for assets:

  1. Run the Asset Module.

  2. Choose Bulk Actions>Change Replacement Cost from the Asset menu.

  3. Pinnacle will display the Bulk Change Replacement Cost window. The Bulk Change Replacement Cost window displays a browse list of all assets.

  4. Highlight the assets that you want to change the replacement cost for. You can use the Filter button to narrow down the list of assets.

  5. Click the Change button.

    Pinnacle will display the Change Replacement Cost window.

  6. You can choose whether you want to change the replacement cost to a currency amount or a percentage of the existing replacement cost.

    If you want to change the replacement cost to a currency amount, click the Cost radio button, and type in the new replacement cost.

    If you want to change the replacement cost to a percentage of the existing replacement cost for the asset, click the Percentage radio button, and type in the percentage that you want to change the replacement cost by. For example if you want to increase the replacement cost for all selected assets by 10%, type in 10.00 in the percentage field. If you want to reduce the replacement cost for all selected assets by 15%, type -15.00 in the percentage field.

  7. When you have made your changes, click the OK button.

    Pinnacle will update the replacement cost for the selected assets.

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