Adding Financial Adjustments

You can add the same financial adjustment to multiple assets.

To bulk add a financial adjustment to assets:

  1. Run the Asset Module.

  2. Choose Bulk Actions>Financial Adjustments from the Asset menu.

  3. Pinnacle will display the Bulk Financial Adjustments window. The Bulk Financial Adjustments window displays a browse list of assets.

  4. Highlight the assets that you want to add the financial adjustment to. You can use the Filter button to narrow down the list of assets.

  5. Click the Add button.

    Pinnacle will display the Financial Adjustment Details window.

  6. You can select the Financial Adjustment Type, either Adjustment, Net Revaluation or Gross Revaluation. You cannot add Acquisition Adjustments.

  7. Type in the rest of the adjustment details.

    When entering the adjustment amount, you can choose to enter the amount as either a currency value, or a percentage.

    If you want to change the adjustment amount to a currency amount, click the Amount radio button, and type in the new adjustment amount.

    If you want to change the adjustment amount to a percentage of the asset's value, click the Percentage radio button, and type in the percentage that you want to change the adjustment amount by. For example if you want to increase the adjustment amount for all selected assets by 10%, type in 10.00 in the percentage field. If you want to reduce the adjustment amount for all selected assets by 15%, type -15.00 in the percentage field.

  8. When all the details are correct, click the OK button.

If you select either revaluation options and you have the 'Show Revaluation Notice' option selected on the Asset Default's Revaluation Notice tab, you will be presented with a notice about performing revaluations. Click the OK button is you wish to proceed.

  1. Choose if you want to apply the adjustment to the Default book only, all non-tax books, or all books. Click the OK button.

  2. If you change the Depreciation Rate, Retirement Date, Residual Value, Adjustment Amount or Adjustment Date for a financial adjustment Pinnacle will ask you which of the other values is to be recalculated.

    You can choose which field you would like to recalculate, or choose not to recalculate any fields if you don't want to change the values. If you choose to recalculate a field, Pinnacle will then automatically recalculate the selected value and update the Financial Adjustment entry to reflect the change.

    Click the OK button.

  3. Pinnacle will add the financial adjustments to the selected assets. Once the addition of adjustments is complete, Pinnacle will return to the Bulk Financial Adjustment window.

Related Topics:

Filtering Browse Windows

Related Tables: 

Depreciation Books Table