Event Notification Window

The Event Notification window allows you to view different kinds of event notification information. At the top of the Event Notification window is a drop down list that allows you to select the event that you want to view the notification information for. The available events are:

As you select each type of event, the Event Notification Window will display information about each event.

Maintenance Contracts with Impending Expiry

This event displays the maintenance contracts that will expire within the number of days specified in the Asset Defaults window. For example, if you specified that you wanted to be notified 7 days in advance, all the maintenance contracts with an expiry date within the next week will be displayed.

If you choose to acknowledge the impending expiry of a maintenance contract, the system will flag the acknowledgment of the impending expiry, and the maintenance contract will no longer appear on the impending expiry list. However, when the maintenance contract finally expires, it will appear on the list of expired maintenance contracts.

Expired Maintenance Contracts

This event displays the maintenance contracts that have already expired.

If you choose to acknowledge the actual expiry of a maintenance contract, the system will flag the acknowledgment of the expiry, and the maintenance contract will no longer appear on the list of expired maintenance contracts.

You can also modify the acknowledgment flags for a maintenance contract from the Maintenance Contracts lookup table.

Overdue Loan Issues or Receipts

This event displays the overdue loan issues, that is, all the reservation items that were due to be picked up by now but have not yet been. This event also displays the overdue loan receipts, that is, all the reservation items that were due to be returned by now but have not yet been.

You can run the Overdue Loans report by choosing the Report button.

Software Licences Exceeded

This event displays all software assets where the number of licences that have been issued is greater than the number of legal licences.

You can run the Software Licences Exceeded Report by choosing the Report button.

Supplier Insurance with Impending Expiry

This event displays the insurance policies for a supplier where the insurance policy will expire within the number of days specified for the type of the insurance policy. As the notification period can vary for each insurance type, some insurance policies may appear on this list earlier or later than others.

If you choose to acknowledge the impending expiry of an insurance policy, the system will flag the acknowledgment of the impending expiry, and the insurance policy will no longer appear on the impending expiry list. However, when the insurance policy finally expires, it will appear on the list of expired insurance policies.

You can also choose to export the supplier insurance details in the same way that you can export any Pinnacle report.  Click the Export button to display the Export dialog.

Expired Supplier Insurance

This event displays the insurance policies for suppliers where the insurance policy has already expired.

If you choose to acknowledge the actual expiry of an insurance policy, the system will flag the acknowledgment of the expiry, and the insurance policy will no longer appear on the list of expired insurance policies.

You can also modify the acknowledgment flags for an insurance policy from the Suppliers lookup table.

You can also choose to export the supplier insurance details in the same way that you can export any Pinnacle report.  Click the Export button to display the Export dialog.

Work Order Insurance Expiry Authorisation

This event displays work orders that required special authorisation when they were raised, because the work order contract supplier had insurance policies that were about to expire or had already expired.  If the work order information is displayed in red text, this indicates that one or more insurance policies for the supplier had already expired when the work order was raised.  If the work order information is displayed in green text, this indicates that one or more insurance policies for the supplier were about to expire when the work order was raised.

If you want to view the details of the insurance policies for the supplier, you can click the ellipse button (...) next to the Work Order number.  Pinnacle will display the supplier name, details of the insurance policies for the supplier, and when the insurance policies are due to expire.

If you authorise the work order, you can choose to keep the existing contractor for the work order, or you can select a new contractor for the work order.  When you authorise a work order, Pinnacle will set the insurance expiry Authorised By field on the work order to your current login ID, and the insurance expiry Authorised Date field to the current date and time.  The work order will no longer appear on the list of work orders requiring insurance expiry authorisation on the Event Notification Window.

Work Order High Value Authorisation

This event displays the work orders that require authorisation due to the high value of the work order.

Only users with access right to authorise high value work orders will be able to choose to authorise high value work orders.  When you authorise high value work orders, Pinnacle will set the high value Authorised By field on the work order to your current login ID, and the high value Authorised Date field to the current date and time.  The work order will no longer appear on the list of work orders requiring high value authorisation on the Event Notification Window.

Related Topics:

Asset Licences Tab

Exporting Reports

Loans Overview

Work Order Overview

Related Tables:

Insurance Types Table

Maintenance Contracts Table

Suppliers Table