Contract Invoices Tab

The Contract Invoices Tab displays the invoices for a contract. Invoices can be added directly against a Contract or they can be added against an MWA for a contract. Regardless of the way in which the invoice was added, it will be displayed on the Invoices Tab.

The Invoices Tab is divided up into two parts. The top part of the tab is a summary list of all the invoices. You can see the invoice number, the date the invoice was received, and a summary of the invoice costs.

The bottom part of the tab displays the full details of the highlighted invoice, and you can enter new invoice details here. Invoices can be added in all stages of the life cycle except when a contract is Cancelled. Invoices can only be added to contracts where the contract type has Direct Invoicing checked in the Contract Types table.

The Invoice tab shows the following details:

The Invoices tab also displays a message to indicate whether the supplier for the contract is a tax registered supplier.

Related Topics:

Work Order Overview

Related Tables:

Contract Types Table

Suppliers Table