Adding a Work Order for a Condition Assessment Work Element

Work orders can be added to a condition assessment at the work element level. That is, the work order is attached to a particular work element for a condition assessment. You can have more than one work element attached to the same work order. So you can have all the work elements for a condition assessment attached to the same work order, or you can have a separate work order for each work element. You can also combine work elements from different assessments on the same work order.

For example if you assessed a number of different properties and they all required painting, you could raise one work order to cover the painting work for all the different properties.

In order to combine several condition assessment work elements together, you must have the option to select multiple assessments checked on in the Work Order Module Defaults window.

To add a work order for a condition assessment work element:

  1. Open the Condition Assessment window

  2. Highlight the Condition assessment work element or elements you want to add the work order for.

  3. From any tab, choose Condition Assessments>Create MWA from the File menu


    Choose Condition Assessments>Create MWA from the popup menu

    Pinnacle will ask you if you want to create a separate work order for each work element, whether to combine all the work elements for a condition assessment together on to a work order, or whether to combine all selected work elements on to the one work order.

  4. Choose how you want to create the work order, and click the OK button.

    If you have selected to combine different work elements on to the one work order, Pinnacle will ask you to choose one assessment to be the "primary" assessment for the work order. This is because Pinnacle requires a location and/or an asset for the work order, and you must choose which assessment will supply this information to the work order.

  5. Choose an assessment and click the OK button.

    Pinnacle will open the Work Order Module, and will add a new blank work order in the Backlog list. Pinnacle will automatically set the Location for the work order to the Location that was selected for the "primary" condition assessment (if a location was chosen for the condition assessment) or will set the Asset for the work order to the asset that was selected for the "primary" condition assessment (if an asset was set for the condition assessment). If there were Estimated Labour and Estimated Material items added to the selected work elements, these will automatically be added to the work order.

  6. Type in the work order details.

  7. Choose Save from the Backlog menu


    Choose Save from the popup menu


    Click the Save toolbar button.

Related Topics:

Work Order Module Defaults

Work Order Overview