Stock Stocktake Process

Stocktaking Stock Items

The Stock stocktake does not require you to download any information to the barcode reader . You are simply required to enter the information on the barcode reader, and then perform the upload process.

To stocktake stock items using the barcode reader:

  1. Ensure that the Stock stocktake program is loaded on the barcode reader.

  2. Run the Stock stocktake program on the reader.

  3. Scan the bin barcode label


    Enter the bin barcode label manually

  4. Enter the quantity of the stock found in the stock bin.

  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for all the bins that you want to include in the stocktake.

  6. Once you have completed stocktaking all the stock items, you must upload the data to Pinnacle.

Uploading Data

Once you have gathered all the stocktake data you will need to transfer this information from the barcode reader to Pinnacle.

To upload data from your barcode reader to Pinnacle:

  1. Connect the barcode reader to your PC.

  2. On the barcode reader , choose to upload the stock data.

  3. From the Stock Module, choose Upload Stocktake Data from the Interface menu. Pinnacle will ask if you are ready to begin transmission.

  4. Choose Yes when you are ready to begin transmitting data.

  5. When the upload is complete, the barcode reader will ask you if you want to clear the data.

After the stock data has been transmitted to the computer, Pinnacle will then process the stock data, and record any discrepancies.

If the quantity of a stock item recorded at a location differs from the quantity of the stock item recorded in the Stock module, or if a bin barcode scanned during stocktake is not recorded in the Stock module, an exception will be recorded.

Related Topics:

Stocktake Exceptions Report

Stocktake Sheet Report