Lookup Tables Overview

Pinnacle uses many lookup tables in each module so that the data remains consistent for each user. These tables are used to set up data in a standard way to ensure that all assets are described in a consistent manner. The tables also provide a short cut for data entry and reduce data entry errors as they contain all the commonly entered data. By using lookup tables, you remove problems with data inconsistencies.

For example, if one user enters an asset item as a "Computer" but another user is incorrectly entering asset items as "Computeors", you would have great difficulty trying to find out how many "Computers" your organisation actually has.

Lookup tables remove this problem by keeping all the data for a field in a common table, and allowing the information from this table to be selected from a drop down list on the main item.

Pinnacle has a large number of lookup tables. Some are unique to their own module, some are common across a number of modules. Lookup tables can be viewed under the Tables menu in each module.

Closing a Lookup Table

When you have finished working with a lookup table, you can close it by:

  1. Choose Close from the File menu


    Click the Close button on the toolbar


    Choose Close from the popup menu


    Click the Close Window button on the window.