Adding a Lease

To add a lease:

  1. Run the Asset Module and open the Lease window.

  2. Choose New from the File menu


    Choose New from the popup menu


    Click the New toolbar button.

    Pinnacle will change to the Details tab, and will add a new blank lease.

  3. Type in the details.

  4. Choose Save from the File menu


    Choose Save from the popup menu


    Click the Save toolbar button.

    Pinnacle will save the lease.

  5. Change to the Assets tab.

  6. Attach the assets that are covered by the lease.

  7. Choose Save from the File menu


    Choose Save from the popup menu


    Click the Save toolbar button.

    Pinnacle will save the assets to the lease.

    If the lease instalment type is Asset Based, when you save the assets you can type in the instalment amount for each asset. Click the OK button when you have finished entering instalment amounts for the assets.