Uploading Asset Stocktake Data from the Barcode Reader/PDA

When you have completed the barcode stocktake of the locations that were downloaded to the barcode reader or Personal Data Assistant (PDA), you can upload the collected data to Pinnacle.

To upload data from the barcode reader or PDA to Pinnacle:

  1. Run the Asset Module.

  2. Follow the barcode reader or PDA prompts to prepare the reader/PDA to transmit the collected stocktake data to Pinnacle.

  3. If you are using a barcode reader, choose Upload Data>Stocktake from the Interface menu in Pinnacle.

    If you are using a PDA, choose Upload Data>All from the Interface menu in Pinnacle.

  4. When the barcode reader or PDA is ready, confirm that you want to begin transmission of the data.

  5. Both the barcode reader/PDA and Pinnacle should display a message indicating that data is being transferred.

  6. As the data is uploaded from the barcode reader or PDA, each asset barcode number recorded during the stocktake is checked against the assets in Pinnacle.

    If the barcode number exists in Pinnacle, the Last Stocktake Date and the Condition Code for the asset will be updated to match the information from the barcode reader.

    If the location recorded for the asset during the stocktake differs from the location recorded against the asset in Pinnacle, an exception will be created.

Displaying the Barcode Reader Upload File

When you are uploading assets from a barcode reader or PDA, you can choose to display the information that has been uploaded before it is processed. To do so, you need to specify an option in your Pinnacle.ini file. Under the Options section of your Pinnacle.ini file, include the following line:


This will display the stocktake information that has been uploaded in a text file, using Windows Notepad. If you wish to use some program other than Notepad to display the file, you can add the following line to the Options section of your Pinnacle.ini file:

DisplayProgram=<name of the program you wish to use>

e.g. DisplayProgram=WORDPAD.EXE