Asset Stocktake Overview

The Pinnacle Asset module allows your computer to interface with barcode readers or PDA (Personal Data Assistants) to carry out different kinds of stocktaking on your assets. You can perform a stocktake on your assets using a barcode reader or PDA, which records the current location of assets, and can verify whether the locations match the locations held in the Assets Register.

The process involved in performing a stocktake is as follows:

  1. Check that the Asset Stocktake program is loaded on your barcode reader or PDA.

  2. Identify the locations that you wish to perform a stocktake for.

  3. Download the assets and locations to your barcode reader or PDA.

  4. Use the barcode reader or PDA to scan the assets in the downloaded locations.

  5. Upload the stocktake data to Pinnacle.

  6. Process any exceptions

  7. Generate an Assets Not Found Report to determine which assets were not found in the stocktake.

  8. Physically search for the assets that were not found in the stocktake, and resolve any discrepancies with Pinnacle. (e.g. write-off assets, update the asset last stocktake date)

  9. Repeat the above process for as many locations as you wish to stocktake.