Returning Software Assets

When a software asset is no longer a component of a Fixed or Equipment asset, you can return it. This removes the software asset as a component of the Fixed or Equipment asset, and makes the licence available for re-issue.

To return a software asset:

  1. Run the Asset Module.

  2. Open the Software asset you want to return licences for.

  3. Choose Return from the Asset menu


    Choose Return from the popup menu


    Click the Return toolbar button.

    Pinnacle will display the Software Asset Return window. The top part of the window shows details about the Software asset. It also displays information about the number of licences for the Software asset, and the number of licences that are currently issued

    The bottom part of the window displays the list of Fixed and Equipment assets that the Software asset is currently issued to.

  4. Highlight the assets that you want to return the Software asset from.

  5. Click the Return button


    If you want to return all the licences, click the Return All button.

  6. If you chose to return all the licences, confirm that you want to return them all.

  7. Pinnacle will display a window for you to type in the component removal comments. Type in the removal comments, and click the OK button.

  8. Pinnacle will remove the software asset as a component from the selected assets.