Adding a New Condition Assessment

To add a new condition assessment:

  1. Open the Condition Assessment Window

    Choose New from the File menu


    Choose New from the popup menu


    Click the New button on the toolbar

    Pinnacle will change to the Details tab and will add a new blank condition assessment.

  2. Type in the condition assessment details.

  3. Choose Save from the File menu


    Choose Save from the popup menu


    Click the Save button on the toolbar.

    Pinnacle will check that there are no currently active assessments for the asset or property that you added the new assessment for.

    If there is a currently active assessment, but there have been no work orders raised for it, Pinnacle will cancel the old assessment, and add the new assessment.

    If there is a currently active assessment with active work orders, Pinnacle will ask if you want to complete the assessment. If you choose to complete the assessment, Pinnacle will finalise any outstanding work orders, and then finalise the assessment. Then the new assessment can be added. If you choose not to complete the previous assessment, Pinnacle will stop adding the new assessment.