Stock Module Access Rights

Access Right


Allow access to the Stock module

This allows you access to the Stock Module. This access right is provided specifically so that you can give users access to view the information in the Stock Module without having to give them rights to modify anything.

Auto-complete requests

This allows you to have stock requests automatically completed.

Auto-generate purchase orders

This allows you to view the purchase orders auto-generation window.

Issue more than maximum issue quantity

This allows you to issue a greater quantity of stock items than the maximum issue quantity amount for the stock item.

Maintain: Bins

This allows you to add, edit and delete stock bins and locations for a stock item.

Maintain: Categories

This allows you to maintain the stock categories lookup table.

Maintain: Cost Centres

This allows you to maintain the cost centres lookup table.

Maintain: Defaults

This allows you to access the Stock Defaults window and to modify the default information for the Stock module.

Maintain: Deliveries

This allows you to add, edit and delete deliveries of a stock item for a purchase order.

Maintain: Issue/Order Units

This allows you to maintain the issue/order units lookup table.

Maintain: Issues

This allows you to add, edit and delete issues of a stock item for a request.

Maintain: Purchase orders

This allows you to add, edit and delete purchase orders.

Maintain: Requests

This allows you to add, edit and delete stock requests.

Maintain: Stock items

This allows you to add, edit and delete stock items.

Maintain: Stock locations

This allows you to maintain the stock locations lookup table.

Modify issue price

This allows you to modify the issue price field for stock items.

Reports: All except audit report

This option allows you to view and print all reports other than the audit report and any reports controlled by another specific access right.

Reports: Audit report

This option allows you to view and print the audit reports, both current and archived.

Stock stocktaking functions

This allows you to carry out the Stock module barcode stocktaking functions.

Transfer stock items

This allows you to transfer stock items from one location to another.

Write-off stock items

This allows you to add writeoffs for a stock item.