Work Order Permits Tab

The Permits tab shows a list of permits that are required to complete the work order. If the work order has been raised for a location and/or an asset that have permits, those permits will be listed for the work order.

Permits must be issued before the work order can be commenced, and must be returned before the work order can be completed.

The information on the Permits tab is:

Viewing the Permit

You can view a permit from the Work Order Window Permits tab. To do so, you must first have associated the permits' file type with some sort of external viewer program through Windows. For example, to view documents, you must have associated files of type "DOC" with Microsoft Word, or some other document viewer.

To view a Permit:

  1. Select the Permit tab on the Work Order Window.

  2. Double click on the selected permit.

Related Tables:

Permits Table